Why Is libassuan still a static lib?

Eric Dorland eric at debian.org
Tue Dec 12 04:52:27 CET 2006

Werner Koch wrote:
> On Sun, 10 Dec 2006 02:55, eric at debian.org said:
>> I was curious why libassuan is still distributed as only a static lib? I
> Because we are not yet sure about the API.  As soon as we are sure of
> it we will create a shared library.  As a mainatiner you should be
> glad that we don't need to break the ABI too often.

I sort of thought going 1.0 meant you had the API under control.

> FWIW, GPGME and Pinentry both come with stipped down and source copied
> versions for libassuan.

Ugh, really? Will they be receptive to fixing that?

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