GnuPG 1.9.23 released

Werner Koch wk at
Tue Sep 19 18:28:07 CEST 2006

On Tue, 19 Sep 2006 16:07, Bernhard Reiter said:

> I have added a wish for a Debian experimental package

I fear that your whish to completly supercede the gnupg package by
gnupg2 is not possible.  gnupg2 has a *lot of dependencies* and relies
on the gpg-agent.  gpg however is a core package of Debian.  I see no
way to go without gpg 1.4.  In fact, I plan to keep the name gpg2 to
allow installing along with gpg1.  I am currently discussing with
Marcus on how we can make the gpgme library use gpg2.



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