
Atom Smasher atom at
Tue Jun 19 19:05:07 CEST 2007

On Tue, 19 Jun 2007, Jan-Benedict Glaw wrote:

>> [2]
> Hmmm.  Maybe implement MAGENTA, too, together with a decryption function 
> that doesn't ask for the passphrase :->

for an example of *really* strong security, check out RFC-2440:6.6 
"Example of an ASCII Armored Message". delete the leading spaces and run 
that through `gpg --output -` and see what happens ;)


  762A 3B98 A3C3 96C9 C6B7 582A B88D 52E4 D9F5 7808

 	"No two men are alike, and both of them are happy for it."
 		-- Morris Mandel

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