help with bug

Mumbai Hawk mumbaihawk at
Sat Apr 12 03:12:00 CEST 2008

Have a bug of some kind.  When trying to send it wants a key that I do 
not have. The key it wants has been over written and is no more.  So how 
do you get the program to forget the keys you do not have and use a new 
key. It keeps saying it can not encrypt and throws up the key number 
0x73dfbf16.  Program has been uninstalled. Entery in registery set back 
to 0000 and other file deleted. The application files have been deleted 
for it.  Still when you reinstall it and try to encrypt from the 
mumbaihawk at address it asks for the key I do not have and 
will not use the new one.  I just do not understand where it is getting 
this key number from.  I feel if I wipe the drive it still may come back 
to haunt me.  The program is GPG

Have a very wonderful day,
Mumbai Hawk

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