cacheid and preset_passphrase

Ben Kibbey bjk at
Thu Aug 7 12:30:33 CEST 2008

On Thu, Aug 07, 2008 at 08:42:55AM +0200, Werner Koch wrote:
> On Thu,  7 Aug 2008 02:16, bjk at said:
> > On Fri, Aug 01, 2008 at 10:22:20PM -0400, Ben Kibbey wrote:
> >> I have a couple of questions about gpg-agent. First, how do I determine
> >> an unused cache ID? Another application may be using a specified cache
> >> ID and I wouldn't want to meddle with it or retrieve an invalid value.
> The cache ID is currently just a hash and as such there is virtually no
> chance that you get into problems.  Weel, unless you assign severeal
> passphrases to a keygrip.

What I'm trying to do is use gpg-agent to cache a passphrase with the
GET_PASSPHRASE command. The command needs a cache ID to use but how do I
know I won't overwrite an existing cache ID that was previously used by
the command?

> >> Second, is there an equivalent PRESET_PASSPHRASE to update an existing
> >> cache ID rather than a key grip?
> As of now any hex string will do as cache ID.

I was meaning to update a cache ID that was used with GET_PASSPHRASE.
For example, to change a passphrase associated with a cache ID.
Something like SET_PASSPHRASE <cache id> <hex string>.

Benjamin J. Kibbey bjk at
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