exporting and importing some subkeys

Alex Mauer hawke at hawkesnest.net
Sun Jan 6 21:50:59 CET 2008

Bernhard Reiter wrote:
> With gnupg 2.0.7 (and 2.0.5):
> Given two machines with .gnupg having your secret key
> and doing "addkey" on one, I encountered a problem
> trying to transfer the new subkey to the other.
> gpg2 --export-secret-key  ABCDEF >mykey
> worked even when ABCDEF is the fingerprint of my new subkey.
> gpg2 --import mykey
> tells me that the key is already in my keyring.
> gpg2 --list-secret-keys does not have the new subkey,
> so I guess the problem to be in the import.
> Am I missing something?

No.  GPG simply does not allow importing of secret subkeys. (aka merging
of secret keys)  I've asked about this before, and a quick search
reveals several other people asking about it.  See

This is also a problem when importing secret key stubs for a smartcard.

-Alex Mauer "hawke"

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