Camellia for OpenPGP RFC published

David Shaw dshaw at
Thu Jun 4 20:39:13 CEST 2009

On Jun 4, 2009, at 11:29 AM, Werner Koch wrote:

> On Thu,  4 Jun 2009 16:06, dshaw at said:
>> it's not there to test with yet.  Maybe I'll quickly put some  
>> Camellia
>> support into openpgpsdk just to prove interoperability.
> It would be better if someone else could do that to avoid the same
> coding behavior.

Adding an algorithm to openpgpsdk doesn't actually involve coding all  
that much.  It uses OpenSSL for its crypto, so adding Camellia  
basically involves passing a pointer to the Camellia_set_key(),  
Camellia_encrypt(), etc, functions within OpenSSL.

Even so, anyone want to give it a whirl?  It should take you less than  
30 minutes (I've done it already - it's trivial, and not much more  
than copying the AES section and doing a search and replace to swap  
"AES" for "Camellia").  The only real gotcha is that openpgpsdk  
doesn't support Elgamal, so you'll need to make an RSA key to test with.


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