gpgme usage

Oguz Yarimtepe comp.ogz at
Thu Mar 5 15:51:24 CET 2009

On Thu, 2009-03-05 at 12:24 +0100, Werner Koch wrote:
> On Wed,  4 Mar 2009 16:39, comp.ogz at said:
> > $ gcc mytest-decrypt.c `gpgme-config --libs` -o myencrypt
> Use
>     gcc mytest-decrypt.c `gpgme-config --cflags --libs` -o myencrypt

I had tried whether there is an output of --cflags usage but because
gpgme-config --cflags doesnt produce anything, i didn't add it. 


> You modified t-support and I don't know theversion of gpgme youare
> using.  Thus I can't see anything from this error message.

It is gpgme1.0-1.1.5. I just apt-get source libgpgme11-dev and checked
the files. 

> My guess is that you need to enable Large File support.  The gpgme
> manual has a chapter on this.

Should i really enable it? It is just the text file (cipher-1.asc at the
tests directory.)

> > [1]

> Please don't do this: It will eventually go away, some people are
> reading mail without having a net connection and it is harder to comment
> on the code.  Better include the code directly and strip off parts which
> are not required.  The message limit here is 40k which should be
> sufficient for most examples.

Ok i am sending the files then with this mail. The t-decrypt.c is the
modified one. t-support.h is just showing which part i changed. 

> Salam-Shalom,
>    Werner
Oguz Yarimtepe
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