can't get pinentry-qt4 to work

Rex Dieter rdieter at
Sun Sep 13 22:02:06 CEST 2009

Anyone having luck getting pinentry-qt4 to work?  Both -qt and -gtk-2 seems 
to work ok for me, but as soon as I try -qt4, gpg-agent fails, my 
debug-level advanced
output includes:

2009-09-13 14:24:55 gpg-agent[27662] starting a new PIN Entry
gpg-agent[27662]: can't connect server: ec=4.16383
2009-09-13 14:24:56 gpg-agent[27662] can't connect to the PIN entry module: 
End of file
2009-09-13 14:24:56 gpg-agent[27662] command get_passphrase failed: No 
gpg-agent[27662.7] DBG: -> ERR 67108949 No pinentry <GPG Agent>
gpg-agent[27662.7] DBG: <- [EOF]

?? any clues or advice?

-- Rex

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