pinentry-qt4 breaks Alt+Tab window switching in KDE

Maciej Sitarz macieksitarz at
Sun Apr 8 12:29:24 CEST 2012

I'm having problems with pinentry-qt4. After each usage/password entered
Alt+Tab in KDE can't switch windows, "No windows" shows instead. After
that I need to switch to another window by selecting it on Task manager bar.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Check Alt+Tab window list (there should be few)
2. Run in konsole: echo GETPIN | pinentry-qt4
3. Type whatever you like press 'Enter'
4. Press 'Alt+Tab' to check window list. Instead of current window list
"No windows" info appears.

* pinentry-qt4 0.8.1 and git
* KDE 4.8.2

I found out that confirm dialog ("echo CONFIRM | pinentry-qt4") doesn't
have this issue. So I modified the source code and got it working. I
attached a patch, tested only on my box (Arch Linux) with KDE.

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