pinentry for Android questions
Marcus Brinkmann
marcus.brinkmann at
Fri Mar 9 16:50:48 CET 2012
On 03/07/2012 12:22 AM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> I'm trying to work out how best to implement pinentry for Android. Right now I'm thinking that it would be easiest to having a 'pinentry-android' which just launches the PassphraseEntry Activity (an core Android GUI class), then have the Java code reply to the UNIX socket using assuan.
That sounds about right, but I couldn't find documentation on
PassphraseEntry to confirm that it supports the features that pinentry
should support. There is a bunch of stuff going on there (description,
quality bar, error text, prompt, button texts).
Alternatively, the pinentry activity could just implement its own
interface, as it only requires a couple of widgets.
> Another possibility is having the Java code write a temp file with the response.
Not quite as good, and not only because you commit the passphrase to
storage. You don't really want to mug around in gpg-agent to avoid
calling pinentry through libassuan. There is a bunch of stuff going on
there, including gpg-agent reporting back on the quality of the
passphrase incrementally as it is entered.
> Any examples out there to draw from? Any suggestions along these lines?
If you look at the pinentry source code, it's quite modular, and you
only need to implement a single function (that serves several purposes
though as it configures the widgets of the passphrase entry dialog
window via a structure).
There are some subtleties in how the interface is expected to behave,
but nothing too bad.
To keep the build simple, you don't have to integrate the android
pinentry into the existing pinentry autoconf build, you can just make a
standalone package. For this, copy pinentry/pinentry/pinentry.{h,c} and
use the gtk+-2 implementation as a reference (ignore curses, the old gtk
pinentry and the qt pinentries).
You might want to (or have to) ignore secmem, it's used to disable swap
space for passwords.
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