Encrypting / Signing the mail subject?

Karsten Düsterloh mnyromyr at tprac.de
Fri Jan 16 21:11:19 CET 2015

Robert J. Hansen wrote:
> If you want to call something with a 70-year track record a "bad 
> workaround," well, that's on you.

"We always did it like this" is not actually a valid point, but hey …

>> Hence [OpenPGP] should evolve.

My "it" and "protocol" wasn't exactly meant as "OpenPGP in general", but
"PGP mail", hence I have no problem with:

> Leave RFC4880 alone, please, it's not an
> email protocol.  Put this out in the email RFCs somewhere, like
> RFC3156. RFC3156 describes how to use OpenPGP with MIME, but it
> doesn't actually define anything about the OpenPGP standard itself.

I know.

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            Mit Sicherheit    |       http://fsayanne.tprac.de/

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