wiki / Re: GPGME pyme branch ready to merge with master

Ben McGinnes ben at
Fri Jun 26 11:38:21 CEST 2015

On 26/06/2015 7:25 pm, Werner Koch wrote:
> On Thu, 25 Jun 2015 18:41, ben at said:
>> Yeah, I've found similar results with text (mainly markdown or reST)
>> within a repo because it puts me in the frame of mind to write
> BTW, I noticed that you used reST for the python docs.  Would you mind
> to convert this to org-mode (or let me do this after the merge) so that
> that we can use a common format for all GnuPG documentation?  org-mode
> is easy readable and writable without any special software and renders
> nicely into all kind of formats (and yes, Emacs can be used in batch
> mode).  I hope that eventually there will be a way to replace Texinfo by
> it as well (A @deftypefun substitute being the missing part).

Yep, I can convert them afterwards.  Or just learn another mark-ish
(-up, -down, -sideways, etc.) language.  Pandoc is my friend.

I used reST more out of habit because of the reST/Python link.


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