Python 3 binding for GPGME

Ben McGinnes ben at
Tue May 5 21:09:53 CEST 2015

	There are now Python 3 bindings for GPGME in the
lang/py3-pyme/ directory of that repository (actually, right now it's
in a branch called pyme just in case something unexpected pops up).
This is a port of PyME 0.9.0 to use Python 3.2 or above instead of the
older Python 2 series, which is still maintained by Martin Albrecht.
At least some of the changes made on this port will be backported to
that original module too.

PyME uses SWIG to automatically generate the relevant links between C
and Python, enabling it to provide native Python functions for all of
the GPGME features.

Now I was able to test this port on my system (OS X 10.9.5, Python
3.4.3, SWIG 3.0.2 and whichever version of clang came with OS X 10.9
and the current version of Xcode) during the porting process, but
there has been very little testing of it on other systems.  So if any
of you could grab that branch of the GPGME repo and confirm that it at
least compiles and is able to be imported into Python 3 before the
branch is merged with the master branch, that'd be great.

The module will currently be built as pyme in the Python 3
site-packages directory on your system, so even though it shares the
name with the original, it won't clash with an existing installation
which will be in the Python 2 site-packages directory.

At some point in the future this will likely be superceded by a Python
3 API implementation which takes advantage of more recent advances in
the language.  The aim being to both provide a native Python binding
to GPGME (as currently provided with PyME) and to provide IO functions
which may be leveraged by any other language which can connect to
Python or which Python can connect to (i.e. pretty much all of them),
but without needing to use operating system specific commands (which
is what python-gnupg and its variants/forks do).

This binding is released under the same licenses as the original PyME
package and which were originally sourced from GPGME itself by John
Goerzen in 2002.  Those licenses are the GPL 2.0 and the LGPL 2.1,
both with the "or any later version" clauses, though contributions
would need to be provided under those same terms in order to maintain
code sharing with the original PyME Martin is maintaining..


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