Curve25519 with the prefix 0x40

NIIBE Yutaka gniibe at
Thu Nov 26 04:02:50 CET 2015


I review our implementation of Curve25519 again, and I think that we
should add the prefix 0x40 so that it matches the practice of Ed25519.

While my patch for libgcrypt is on review, and here is the patch for
GnuPG.  Well, it seems that only change for scdaemon.

diff --git a/scd/app-openpgp.c b/scd/app-openpgp.c
index 0fcfffe..ed1bce6 100644
--- a/scd/app-openpgp.c
+++ b/scd/app-openpgp.c
@@ -4114,7 +4114,8 @@ do_decipher (app_t app, const char *keyidstr,
   if (rc)
     return rc;

-  if (indatalen == 16 + 1 || indatalen == 32 + 1)
+  if (indatalen == 16 + 1 || indatalen == 32 + 1
+      && ((char *)indata)[0] == 0x02)
     /* PSO:DECIPHER with symmetric key.  */
     padind = -1;
   else if (app->app_local->keyattr[1].key_type == KEY_TYPE_RSA)
@@ -4172,6 +4173,16 @@ do_decipher (app_t app, const char *keyidstr,
   else if (app->app_local->keyattr[1].key_type == KEY_TYPE_ECC)
+      if (app->app_local->keyattr[1].ecc.flags
+          && (indatalen%2))
+        { /*
+           * Skip the prefix.  It may be 0x40 (in new format), or MPI
+           * head of 0x00 (in old format).
+           */
+          indata++;
+          indatalen--;
+        }
       fixuplen = 7;
       fixbuf = xtrymalloc (fixuplen + indatalen);
       if (!fixbuf)
@@ -4211,6 +4222,20 @@ do_decipher (app_t app, const char *keyidstr,
                          indata, indatalen, le_value, padind,
                          outdata, outdatalen);
   xfree (fixbuf);
+  if (app->app_local->keyattr[1].key_type == KEY_TYPE_ECC
+      && app->app_local->keyattr[1].ecc.flags)
+    { /* Add the prefix 0x40 */
+      fixbuf = xtrymalloc (*outdatalen + 1);
+      if (!fixbuf)
+        {
+          xfree (outdata);
+          return gpg_error_from_syserror ();
+        }
+      xfree (outdata);
+      outdata = fixbuf;
+      outdata[0] = 0x40;
+      *outdatalen = *outdatalen + 1;
+    }

   if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_CARD /* actual SW is 0x640a */
       && app->app_local->manufacturer == 5

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