Fingerprints and Key-IDs - Was: [PATCH] avoid publishing the GnuPG version by default

ilf ilf at
Sat Aug 6 16:06:04 CEST 2016

Daniel Kahn Gillmor:
> ilf, what are you asking for when you ask for removing the 
> "keyid-format" option altogether?

As always, dkg is right, and I need to be more precise. Fortunately, I 
can just quote you:

> I'm arguing here that short Key IDs and long Key IDs are actually 
> useless, and we should stop using them entirely where we can do so. We 
> certainly should not be exposing normal human users to them.

I assume that the option --keyid-format was first "widely" used to 
mitigate from --keyid-format "short" to "long" after the first 
collisions were shown in 2011. That was okay then.

But as dkg has argued in 2013, we should move away from --keyid-format 
"short" *and* "long". Which is why "none" was introduced and is now the 

Currently, --keyid-format…

> …"none" does not show the key ID at all but shows the fingerprint in a 
> separate line.

This is good.

But "short" and "long" do *only* show the key ID, *and not* the 
fingerprint in a separate line. (Except if used with --fingerprint, 
which is what this does:

Surely this is not a desired behavior.

So I would propose:

1. Short term: Add "the fingerprint in a separate line" for all 
--keyid-format values.

2. Gradually deprecate the "keyid-format" option.

2.a. Mid term: Add a warning to stderr if keyid-format is explicitly set 
to anything but "none". Note this in release notes.

2.b. Long term: Remove the parameter entirely.

What do you think?


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