GPG Agent: No detach not working?

Naftuli Kay rfkrocktk at
Wed Nov 9 20:15:19 CET 2016

Thank you so much, this answers my question!
 - Naftuli Kay

On Wed, Nov 9, 2016 at 10:43 AM, Daniel Kahn Gillmor
<dkg at> wrote:
> Hi Naftuli--
> On Mon 2016-11-07 12:08:15 -0600, Naftuli Kay wrote:
>> I'm looking to run my gpg-agent in a SystemD user unit file like so:
>  [...]
>> Running on Ubuntu 16.04. I'd like to have it run in the foreground so
>> that its output is captured by the SystemD journal so I can review.
>> I can get it to work if I set it to Type=forking, but I specifically
>> want it to run in the foreground.
> Please wait until 2.1.16 is released (or backport the fixes for the
> "--supervised" options to dirmngr and gpg-agent), and then use the the
> socket-activated .service and .socket files that we're shipping in
> debian:
> This will provide you with exactly what you're looking for, and it will
> have the additional advantage of not actually running the daemons until
> they're needed.
> I've asked upstream to include these .service and .socket files in the
> upstream git repo to make them easier to find, but that hasn't happened
> yet.
> Regards,
>      --dkg

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