installing gnupg 2.2 as "gpg", vs coexistence with gpg 1.4

Greg Troxel gdt at
Tue Oct 10 01:28:04 CEST 2017

Thanks to everyone for the replies and discussion.

From my packaging viewpoint, the ideal situation would be if there is a
gnupg 1.4.x release which installs to gpg1 (and really, does not install
any files which conflict with gnupg 2.2.x).   Then I could upgrade that,
flip off the gpg2 switch on 2.2.x, and make anything that depends on 1.4
change to 2.2, and then pick up the pieces from ununderstood

Plan B would be just the rest of the steps, leading to people not being
able to install 1.4.x.

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