pinentry-tqt for the trinity desktop (former KDE3/Qt3 code)

Damien Goutte-Gattat dgouttegattat at
Sat Oct 28 11:01:15 CEST 2017

On 10/28/2017 01:19 AM, deloptes wrote:
> Hi Damien,
> I'm sorry for bothering, but I had 5min free and cloned pinentry-tqt - I
> did not see tqt in this location.
>    git clone git:// pinentry-tqt
>    ls pinentry-tqt/tqt
>    ls: cannot access 'pinentry-tqt/tqt': No such file or directory
> I surely missed something.

The TQt code is in the "pinentry-tqt" branch. Here, you cloned my repo 
in the pinentry-tqt folder, but the repo's current branch is still 
"master". You need to switch to the "pinentry-tqt" branch first.

   $ git clone git:// pinentry-tqt
   $ cd pinentry-tqt
   $ git checkout pinentry-tqt

When I said "pull", I was expecting you to actually run

   git pull git:// pinentry-tqt

from an already existing copy of the upstream pinentry repo. That 
command would have had the effect of merging the pinentry-tqt branch
of the remote repo to your current local branch.

(In other words, the two following commands have similar syntax but 
completely different effects:

   $ git clone git:// pinentry-tqt
   $ git pull  git:// pinentry-tqt

The first one creates a copy of the remote repo in the pinentry-tqt 

The second one fetches and merges the pinentry-tqt branch from the 
remote repo into the current repo.)


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