AES and Camellia

Ingo Klöcker kloecker at
Sat Jun 8 23:06:47 CEST 2024

On Samstag, 8. Juni 2024 10:37:53 CEST VishnuBrahma VishniBrahmi MahaVishnu 
MahaLakshmi MahaBrahma MahaSaraswathi Vishnu Lakshmi Brahma Saraswathi via 
Gnupg-devel wrote:
> The file is getting encrypted with AES256 not with the intended Camillia256
> cipher. Here's the output of the command. Screenshot is attached.
> ubuntu at chakravarti:~/.gnupg$ cat gpg.conf
> personal-cipher-preferences CAMELLIA256
> ubuntu at chakravarti:~/.gnupg$ gpg -vesr robin gpg.conf
> gpg: using pgp trust model
> gpg: using subkey 738BDDEA24D442F5 instead of primary key 7D3A6C5A47CF3842
> gpg: using subkey 42F3D75DD695EA1D instead of primary key 7D3A6C5A47CF3842
> gpg: This key belongs to us
> gpg: writing to 'gpg.conf.gpg'
> gpg: ECDH/AES256 encrypted for: "42F3D75DD695EA1D Maharaja Robin Mathew
> Rajan <robinmathewrajan at>"
> gpg: EDDSA/SHA512 signature from:
> "738BDDEA24D442F5 Maharaja Robin Mathew Rajan <robinmathewrajan at>"
> ubuntu at chakravarti:~/.gnupg$

What do you get when you do
gpg --edit-key 7D3A6C5A47CF3842

This will list the cipher preferences (and other preferences) of the key's 
user IDs. My guess is that you didn't add CAMELLIA256 to the key's cipher 
preferences and therefore gpg ignores your personal-cipher-preferences. The 
default cipher preferences for new keys seem to be: AES256, AES192, AES, 3DES. 
At least, that's what I see for my key and I never changed the preferences.

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