Specification for Kyber in GnuPG

Werner Koch wk at gnupg.org
Tue May 7 09:26:01 CEST 2024

On Mon,  6 May 2024 17:24, Simon Josefsson said:

> I haven't chaised the entire chain -- does it bind to the master key
> fingerprint only, or to the Ecc+Kyber subkey too?

You mean the primary key?  No, it does not because that is not intended
by OpenPGP.  Doing so would not allow to move a subkey to another master

> Including the public key in the KEK binding has been discussed before,
> some references:

Only taking the algorithm id is good iff there is one algorithm id per
ECC+ML-KEM combination.  This is not the case here and thus we need to
adjust for it.  Frankly, keeping the algo id is superfluous as it it
also part of the fingerprint but it does not harm either.

The other choice, would be to include the entire public key as in an
early draft, but the fingerprint is easier to describe.



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refuse military service.             - A. Einstein
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