Specification for Kyber in GnuPG

Simon Josefsson simon at josefsson.org
Mon May 6 17:24:06 CEST 2024

Werner Koch <wk at gnupg.org> writes:

> On Mon,  6 May 2024 17:06, Simon Josefsson said:
>> Thank you!  As far as I can tell this doesn't strongly bind eccPublicKey
>> and mlkemPublicKey to the KEK which may complicate a security proof.
> Can you give a reason for this?  The fingerprint binds the two public
> keys and it is an input to the key combiner.

I haven't chaised the entire chain -- does it bind to the master key
fingerprint only, or to the Ecc+Kyber subkey too?

Including the public key in the KEK binding has been discussed before,
some references:


I'm not saying it is critical for security for the entire ECC+Kyber in
LibrePGP (I can't fit all of it in my head), but it makes it easier to
reason about security properties of the combiner on its own.

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