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Wed, 24 Mar 1999 16:16:14 +0100
I'm having some trouble with some pub keys; I'm using gnupg 0.9.3 as
default, together with pgp 2.6.3i and pgp 5.0i.
¿Could anyone help me with this?
This is the output I *always* obtain for almost any operation with GnuPG:
gpg: Warning: using insecure memory!
gpg: key DDDC215A: secret key without public key - skipped
it complains about the public key not being there - which it is - sometimes
complains about the lack of a self signature for that key. It is though
recognized by PGP5.0, and the self-signature seems to be there too:
$ pgpk -ll 0xDDDC215A
sec 2048 0xDDDC215A 1998-07-20 ---------- DSS Sign & Encrypt
f20 Fingerprint20 = 5F11 2DFF E972 CE5D B041 F729 F432 4FE4 DDDC 215A
sub 8192 0x06E9D714 1998-07-20 ---------- Diffie-Hellman
f20 Fingerprint20 = 4AA8 A165 EB10 702A 59D6 A23A 1B20 9898 06E9 D714
uid Horacio Menezo <>
SIG 0xDDDC215A 1998-07-20 Horacio Menezo <>
$ gpg --list-secret-keys
sec 2048D/DDDC215A 1998-07-20 Horacio Menezo <>
ssb 8192g/06E9D714 1998-07-20
$ gpg --list-keys
but it doesn't find the public key for 0xDDDC215A, so I extract an ascii
copy of it with:
$ pgpk -xa 0xDDDC215A -o file.asc
and try to import it with gnupg:
$ gpg --import file.asc
gpg: Warning: using insecure memory!
gpg: key DDDC215A: secret key without public key - skipped
gpg:horus: key DDDC215A: invalid self-signature
gpg:horus: key DDDC215A: invalid subkey binding
gpg:horus: key DDDC215A: no valid user ids
gpg: this may be caused by a missing self-signature
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: w/o user IDs: 1
The same occurs if I try to handled this from within mutt (^K keybinding),
though I obtain a little more info:
gpgm: can't handle public key algorithm 192
gpgm: key DDDC215A: secret key without public key - skipped
gpgm: armor header: Version: PGPfreeware 5.0i for non-commercial use
gpgm: armor header: Comment: quis custodiet ipsos custodet
gpgm:/tmp/mutt-homega-3301-1: pub 2048D/DDDC215A 1998-07-20 Horacio
Menezo <>
gpgm:/tmp/mutt-homega-3301-1: key DDDC215A: invalid self-signature
gpgm:/tmp/mutt-homega-3301-1: key DDDC215A: invalid subkey binding
gpgm:/tmp/mutt-homega-3301-1: key DDDC215A: skipped userid 'Horacio Menezo
gpgm:/tmp/mutt-homega-3301-1: key DDDC215A: no valid user ids
gpgm: this may be caused by a missing self-signature
gpgm: Total number processed: 1
gpgm: w/o user IDs: 1
And the same goes on for someone else's public key I'm trying to add to
pubring.gpg (or pubring.pkr, or pubring.pgp, since gnupg seems to handle all
at once).
Claves - GnuPG/PGP - Keys :
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Tipo de Clave/Key Type Asunto:/Subject:
DSA/ElGamal fetch dsa/elgamal
DSS/Diffie-Hellman fetch dh/dss
RSA fetch rsa