option for specifying lanugage?

Werner Koch wk@gnupg.org
Wed, 12 Apr 2000 10:53:41 +0200

On Wed, 12 Apr 2000, sen_ml@eccosys.com wrote:

> wk> $ LANG=it gpg foo
> wk> (assuming a Bourne/POSIX shell)

> one of the paragraphs in my original message that you did not quote
> mentions the fact that at least one program (i presume there are more)
> has been written to process english gnupg messages. assuming that
No program should process GnuPG messages; programs should use the output of --status-fd. If a program needs to process the messages it should reset the locale variables. The test scripts for example do this.
> -having the program forcibly specify /bin/sh seems like a
> waste of starting up an extra process
Giving environment variables for a program is part of the shell syntax. No extra process.
> -forcing the user to set an environment variable every time they use gpg
> doesn't make sense
I can't see a reason to have just gpg emit English messages and other programs use the locale message version.
> -having the program try to detect which shell the user uses seems silly
Every script uses /bin/sh - it's Posix. Adding just an option to reset an environment variable is no good design IMHO. I know that you will now say something about --homedir vs. GNUPGHOME :-( Werner -- Werner Koch OpenPGP key 621CC013 OpenIT GmbH tel +49 211 239577-0 Birkenstr. 12 email wk@openit.de D-40233 Düsseldorf http://www.openit.de