Delete key from a keyserver

Ben v.d. Leeden
Thu, 20 Apr 2000 13:59:52 +0200 (CEST)

Hi, maybe it is a dumb question, but I saw a few publick keys of mine on a
keyserver which aren't being used...

I have read the GnuPG manual how to revoke a key (--gen-revoke) but I don't
have the secret keys anymore.... Is is possible to erase them from the key-
server ???
                    +-----+-----+                            _.-,
           Ben v/d Leeden | ICQ: #53586252               .--'  '-._ | Nickname: McBuster        _/`_  _      '. | GnuPG Key ID: C99F2D17   '----'._`.----. \
+-------------------------+-------------------------+          `     \;