[PGP-USERS] FW: Serious bug in PGP - versions 5 and 6

Lars Hecking lhecking@nmrc.ie
Fri, 25 Aug 2000 14:33:36 +0100

Walter Truitt writes:

> On 25 Aug, Werner Koch wrote:
> > It is just that all PGP >= 5 versions are broken by design/bug and
> > the majority of encrypted mail is send by PGP implementations. Have a
> > look at the key servers stats and you will see that most keys have
> > been created by PGP >= 5.
> My key was created by gnupg, but the keyserver says Version: 5.0
My old pgp 2.6.3 RSA key is also labeled Version 5.0. Confused the hell out of me when I saw it this first time.
> I don't feel you can use the keyserver as a guide to what versions of
> pgp are being used.
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