"gpg - invalid armor header" warning

Tom Beidler tbeidler@mindspring.com
Wed, 20 Dec 2000 13:35:15 -0800

I'm working with an ISP and trying to help him trouble shoot some issues.

He's running GNUPG 1.04 and he's trying to import a PGP 6. something public
key. He's telling me he's getting a "gpg - invalid armor header" error. I
was able to add the key successfully to my PGP key ring. Can you import PGP
keys? I didn't see anything in the FAQ or the "How to."

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Tom Beidler Orbit Tech Services 805.455.7119 (cell) 805.682.8972 (phone) 805.682.5833 (fax) tbeidler@mindspring.com
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