Trusted keys?
Johan Wevers
Sun, 23 Jan 2000 22:23:15 +0100 (MET)
I am sending mail to someone with a key which I have signed with both my RSA
and DSA keys:
vulcan:~> gpg -kvv kspaink
pub 1024R/FA92E2C5 1995-10-15 Karin Spaink <>
sig 86156B85 1999-11-30 Johan Wevers <>
sig D42F80B1 1995-11-08 Johan Wevers <>
However, when I want to send her encrypted mail, I get the following
vulcan:~> gpg -aes -r kspaink tempf
Could not find a valid trust path to the key. Let's see whether we
can assign some missing owner trust values.
No path leading to one of our keys found.
1024R/FA92E2C5 1995-10-15 "Karin Spaink <>"
Fingerprint: 4E E3 05 07 AE 8E 4D 5D 6C AE 89 E1 5B 9F 3F DE
It is NOT certain that the key belongs to its owner.
If you *really* know what you are doing, you may answer
the next question with yes
I'm using gpg 1.0.0. What can I do to remove this warning? (I know her
personally so I know the key is OK).
ir. J.C.A. Wevers // Physics and science fiction site: //
PGP public keys at