Revoking key
Werner Koch
Thu, 20 Jul 2000 18:39:08 +0200
On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, André Dahlqvist wrote:
> Another reason is that I have gotten the impression from the GnuPG
> changelog that decryption is faster with keys generated with v1.0.2, ir
> this correct? The key I want to revoke has been spread to keyservers.
Yes. But, all you have to do is to revoke the subkey which is used
for encryption. The primary (DSA) keys stays and with it all your key
1. --edit-key your_key
2. "addkey"
create a new encryption only key
3. select your old subkey ("key 1")
4. "revkey"
and you have revoked your old key.
The old key will still stay in your keyring but it will never be used
for encryption anymore. However, you can still decrypt messages
encrypted for the old key.
Werner Koch OpenPGP key 621CC013
OpenIT GmbH