Problems with an expired key...

Horacio MG (Horacio)
Fri, 17 Mar 2000 00:52:22 +0100

El jue, 16 de mar de 2000, a las 01:12:59 -0800, L. Sassaman dijo:

> I'll concede that it is useful for encrypting MIME emails. But what is the
> point in usung PGP/MIME when you are sending non-MIME email?
I'm not all that sure about this, but I believe a PGP/MIME sig will apply not only to the message body but also to the headers. -- Horacio Anno MMDCCLIII aUC Valencia - ESPAŅA -------------------------------------------------------------------- Key fingerprint = F4EE AE5E 2F01 0DB3 62F2 A9F4 AD31 7093 4233 7AE6