Lost Secret Key
Robert Black Eagle
Sat, 11 Nov 2000 17:31:42 GMT
I have asked this question repeatedly, but in response to something else,
so here it is separated. I generated a key pair using gnupg 1.0.3. I
recently upgraded to 1.0.4 (deleted 1.0.3). The upgrade preserved my
<usr>/.gnupg directory and both secret and public rings as well as the
options file. When I run a check in 1.0.4 on the secret key ring, it
gives "invalid key" as a result. I am running eDesktop 2.4 (linux) on a
586 (200 Mhz), 128 MB system.
Geheimnis (perhaps Staatliche Geheimnisse would be a better name), can't
find it at all and GPA finds it, but won't encrypt with it or decrypt
files sent to me using the old public key.
Simple question: what happened to the key or what change in 1.0.4 would
invalidate the key? Can it be fixed, or do I need to regenerate a new
Black Eagle
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