edit key menu

David Ellement ellement@sdd.hp.com
Wed Dec 19 00:07:01 2001

I haven't been able to find an explanation for this in the gpg man
page or in the "The GNU Privacy Handbook".  When editing my public
key, "list" shows my user IDs, with a "." next to one:

    pub  1024D/75B33A09  created: 1998-07-19 [...]
    sub  2048g/AB4EB5BF  created: 1998-07-19 [...]
    (1)  David M. Ellement <ellement@sdd.hp.com>
    (2)  David M. Ellement <david_ellement@hp.com>
    (3). David M. Ellement <david.ellement@home.com>
    (4)  [revoked] David M. Ellement <dellemen@mill.net>

User ID (3) appears as the ID for my signature, so I suppose there's
a connection with the "." in the listing.  What does it mean?  How
do I associate it with one of the other user IDs?

David Ellement