Revoking duplicate keys?
Jin-Ru Ong
Mon May 21 23:19:02 2001
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to use GnuPG again after a few years of changing PCs, etc. I
recently discovered a lot of keys under my email address on
the public keyserver, but the secret keys were saved onto old PCs and disks I
don't even have anymore. Is there any way I can revoke them? Or at least
indicate to others that I don't use them anymore?
I've also been stupid and experimenting with a new GnuPG front end and
accidentally created several key pairs for my email address, all on the same
day *sigh*. These were uploaded to the public keyserver. How do I get rid of
the pairs -- I've generated a revocation certificate, is it enough just to
paste the key revocation certificate in the "Add PGP Key" section of a
keyserver? And do I just do gpg --delete-key <KEYID> to rid it from my
keyring for good?
Sorry if these are all stupid questions - I feel stupid but I should have
RTFM first! (I've been through Googlesearch and the GnuPG documentation but
have no idea how to do the above). Sorry for wasting bandwidth!
Thanks to anyone who can help....
J.R Ong ||
PGPKeyID: 98CD265B
Using KMail on KDE2.0/Gnome. This email is MS-Free!!!
"The difference between more or less intelligent men is like
the difference between criminals condemned to life
imprisonment in smaller or larger cells. The intelligent
man who is proud of his intelligence is like the criminal
who is proud of his large cell."
(Simone Weil)