How to avoid some users to check-in into some modules made in CV S repository?

Asheesh Kwatra
Tue Nov 6 11:40:02 2001


How to inhibit some users of a CVS database of a project from checking-in
files into some modules made in the repository of the project? But every one
should have check-out permissions for all modules of the project.

eg. Let's say repository for a prject is: /DCM/Proj
    Modules in this Projects are        : source    -> /DCM/Proj/source
							bfm       ->
							testbench ->

Requirement:  Every person involved in this project should have check-out
permission for all modules, but the check-in    
              permission of a particular module should only with the owners
of that module. eg.

eg. Engineers involved in this project are "A", "B","C","D","E" and "F"

"A", "B" are owners of "source"
"C", "D" are owners of "bfm"
"E", "F" are owners of "testbench" 

Now All can check-out all modules but 

"A" and "B" only should have the permissions to check-in files into
"source". Similarly,
"C" and "D" only should have the permissions to check-in files into "bfm"
"E" and "F" only should have the permissions to check-in files into

-- Asheesh