Setting default UID.

Cyril Bouthors
Sun Sep 30 15:16:01 2001

Cyril Bouthors writes:
 > I'd  like  to  know if  there  is  a  way  to  change the  time  of
 > self-signing or a way to remove my own signatures foreach UID's and
 > then resign them in the correct order.

Another solution  would be  to remove the  UID that  I want to  be the
default one  with 'deluid' and then  re-add it with  'adduid'. In this
case, this UID  would be the latest I've self-signed  but will I loose
the signature made by other people to this UID ?
Cyril Bouthors -- phone:+33 1 41 66 47 06
                    fax:+33 1 41 66 47 10