Key Type & Size / Multiple Email Accounts / Key Server Questions

Greg Strong
Wed Apr 3 13:55:14 2002

I'm new to GnuPG.  You might say that I'm in learn and test mode before 
using full time and publish keys to key servers.  I have several 
questions.  They are as follows:

1) What type of key do you suggest?  I ask this question because I'll use 
GnuPG primarily for signing but in limited instances for encryption.  
I've read the manual and know DSA is limited to a size of 1024 bits, and 
is used only for signing.  ElGamal can be used for both signing and 
encryption with no limit on size.  My first inclination is to use the 
default of DSA & ElGamal.  See question #2 when answering.

2) With the advancement of computing power what key size do you 
recommend?  Presently I'm using an old P166 PC that will update in the 
near future.  For getting off the ground with GnuPG I have tested with 
type 1 (DSA & Elgamal) with both having a size of 1024 bits.  After 
generating the keys this size hasn't really pushed this old PC.  It 
hasn't really been exposed to much either.

3)  If you have multiple email accounts on one key and put on a key 
server, would these multiple email accounts then be analogous to being 
published in a telephone book?


Greg Strong

Tue, 02 Apr 2002 14:35 CST