GPG Formmail

Jim ceStudy
Wed Jul 3 05:30:02 2002

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I need to set up a GPG Formmail script on a shared web host.  Are there any instructions as to how to go about accomplishing this?  I plan to generate the public and private keys on my local PC and upload the public key to the shared host.

In looking for info on this I've seen comments that some have encountered permissions/access problems with the various directories of the shared host environment -  so I guess I'm wondering how feasible is this and can anyone recommend how to do it?



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<P>I need to&nbsp;set up&nbsp;a GPG Formmail&nbsp;script on a shared web host.&nbsp; Are there any instructions as to how to go about accomplishing this?&nbsp; I plan to generate the public and private keys on my local PC and upload the public key to the shared host.</P>
<P>In looking for info on this I've seen comments that some have encountered permissions/access problems with the various directories of the shared host environment -&nbsp; so I guess I'm wondering how feasible is this and can anyone recommend how to do it?</P>
<P>Jim</P><p><br><hr size=1><b>Do You Yahoo!?</b><br>
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