Unable to send key containing photogrtaphic ID

Rüdiger Kupper Ruediger.Kupper@Physik.Uni-Marburg.De
Tue Jul 16 18:47:01 2002


Since I added a photographic ID to my public key, I am unable to send it 
to a key server (neither via 'gpg --send-keys' nor via a web interface.) 
I use 'wwwkeys.de.pgp.net' as my preferred keyserver, but also tried 
'blackhole.pca.dfn.de' (which I think is the same server), and 
The web interfaces do reply "Error decoding keyblock".

Are keys containing photographic IDs in general not accepted by the key 
servers, or is there a problem with my specific key? (Please ask me to 
send my public key if this will help answering my question.)

Thank you for your help.



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