Exporting non-exportable signatures

David Shaw dshaw@jabberwocky.com
Fri Jul 19 15:30:02 2002

On Fri, Jul 19, 2002 at 10:09:10AM +0200, Nicolas Rachinsky wrote:
> Hallo,
> does anybody know, how to export nonexportable signatures? I have an
> old keyring and want to move some keys to the one I acutally use. Some
> keys are signed nonexportable, but I don't want to have to sign them
> again, after exporting and importing into the new keyring.

Well, it's hard to export nonexportable signatures since that defeats
the purpose :)

Here is one way.  First make a backup of your keyrings, just to be
safe, then:

1) Delete all keys on your old keyring except the ones you want to
2) cat oldkeyring.gpg newkeyring.gpg > ultimatekeyring.gpg
3) Install 'ultimatekeyring.gpg' as your pubring.gpg.
4) gpg --update-trust


   David Shaw  |  dshaw@jabberwocky.com  |  WWW http://www.jabberwocky.com/
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