secure viewer

Tue Jul 23 05:49:02 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Mon, Jul 22, 2002 at 01:33:12PM -0400, David Shaw spewed into the ether:
> On Mon, Jul 22, 2002 at 11:02:21AM -0400, jbw wrote:
> > My problem is not reading emails with the FYEO option. The problem
> > is when I send emails to someone else to turn it off so that they
> > can read the encrypted email without the use of a secure viewer. They
> > are using win2K/Eudora/PGPfreeware.
> > 
> > Changing the option to no-for-your-eyes-only does not seem to make a
> > difference.
> In PGPfreeware there is an option called something like "always use
> secure viewer".  Make sure that option is turned off.
> David
I switched from mutt 1.4i to mutt1.5i and now they can read my messages
without the secure viewer.  Obviously it had something to do with the 
PGP/MIME encoding.  I did some searches and the following seems to be
the root of the problem....

 PGP/GPG Problems with other MUAs
Mutt by default creates PGP/MIME signed and/or encrypted messages in the format
specified by RFC 2015. Unfortunately, although an obvious successor to tradition
al pgp-mail and the only MIME aware alternative to S/MIME (defined by RFC 2311),
 PGP/MIME format messages are not supported by many other MUAs. This situation m
ay improve with adoption of the OpenPGP replacement to PGP/MIME - OpenPGP is spe
cified by RFC 3156.
When pgp signing mail with mutt, you are likely to have problems when sending to
 people who use other MUAs, such as Outlook and Outlook Express. These people ma
y see the body of your message as an attachment that needs to be opened in a tex
t viewer - You need to decide whether the advantages of signing everything outwe
igh the disadvantages of dealing with problems caused by other people's software

I can't find the exact location but I remembered seeing somewhere that
mutt 1.5 now does mime encoding so that outlook and outlook express (and
apparently Eudora also since that is what they use) can properly decode.

Once I switched from mutt 1.4 to mutt 1.5 the problem disappeared.


> -- 
>    David Shaw  |  |  WWW
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>    "There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX.
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