encrypt to self.
Peter Gillett
Thu Jul 25 02:32:02 2002
>gpg -l --yes --always-trust --quiet --no-greeting
--status-fd 2
>--passphrase-fd 0 --batch --decrypt
>What command is needed to encrypt to self, so I
can let the code
>maintainers aware of it.
I use the command (with V1.0.6 for windows) within
a perl script on a webserver...
gpg.exe --homedir
e:\inetpub\vs12345\gpg\ --batch --no-version --alw
ays-trust --no-tty --comment my_comment -ear
my_email_address file.txt
to encrypt the orders from a perl shopping cart,
then have the encrypted file emailed to me.
I hope this helps...
Peter Gillett