Moving to 1.0.7

Daniel Carrera
Thu Jul 25 19:46:02 2002


I have a couple of questions about 1.0.7.  I hope that someone can help.

1)  There seems to me a new trust level.  In addition to "I trust fully",
there is "I trust ultimately".

What is the difference between these two levels?
How much should I trust myself? "ultimately" I suppose?

2)  I already have a 1024 bit ElGamal key.  I'd like to start using a 2048
bit key now instead.

I suppose that I have to create a second key.  Can I still maintain my old
key, for the purpose of the messages that I have already signed?

The next two questions are not specific to 1.0.7

1) How do you change the "default" key?
2) I can encrypt to myself using "--recipient daniel" instead of the
actual UID.

How does gpg know that "daniel" is me?
The name on my key is "Daniel Carrera".  Does gpg do an approximate

When I create my second key, my name will still be "Daniel Carrera".
How will gpg know who "daniel" is?  Can I arrange for my new key to be
"daniel" and the old one to be "daniel-old".

3) Where can I learn about subkeys?

Thanks for the help,