Order of namestrings changed when importing keys

Jon Krom J.Krom@fz-juelich.de
Wed Mar 6 15:04:01 2002

Hash: SHA1

Hello GPG world,

I'm experimenting with GPG, after using several versions of PGP 
over the years.  I installed GPG 1.0.6 on a linux box and imported 
my keyring into GPG.

Several of the keys I imported had more than one user name string 
(typically different email addresses, but also other info).  For 
some reason GPG displays for most of these keys another string as
the primary key name than PGP used to do.

Is there a reason for this?
Did I do something wrong?
Can I change this?

Is it a FAQ?  (I couldn't find it in the FAQ files and other docs, 
but perhaps I overlooked it, searched for the wrong keyword, or so)

Thanks in advance.

P.S. Please answer (also) by CC'ing me; I'm not a member of 
this mail list.

Met Vriendelijke Groeten,
Jon Krom

- -- 

.  Address: J.G. Krom             phone:   +49 2461 61 5451        .
.           IPP FZ-Juelich        fax:     +49 2461 61 5452        .
.           Postfach 1913         email:   J.Krom@fz-juelich.de    .
.           D-52425 Juelich       private: Jon.Krom@ukuug.org      .
.           Germany               WWW:     www.fz-juelich.de/ipp/  .
.                                 PGP:     DH/DSS 0xA9A357C4       .

           "Boundaries? I've never seen one, but I've been told
            they exist in some people's minds."  Thor Heyerdahl

Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.3 for non-commercial use <http://www.pgp.com>
