how to revoke a key?
Micha Holzmann
Mon Mar 25 16:09:02 2002
a friend has lost his passphrase. He created a revocation ceritificate,
but do not know how to revoke it at the key servers.
I told him first he should import the revocation certifikate into his
keyring and afterwards he should export his key and send this export
to the key-server.
First he sent me his exported key. I was able to import it and saw that
it is revoked. But the transfer to the keyserver fails.
I tried to find information with google, but nowhere was an exact example.
So i am not really sure if my insctrucions where ok.
gpg was started as following:
gpg --send-keys --keyserver revoked-key.asc
kind regards,
Micha Holzmann
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