Creating user id's with International Characters

Oliver Schönrock
Sun Mar 31 13:55:01 2002

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Thanks for confirming that I do in fact have a problem.

> If you force your browser to UTF-8, it should display the umlaut
> correctly.  But your key's id isn't properly encoded, sorry.

Yes this works for me. Now I get Ingo Umlaut properly and mine as a box. So =

I can clearly see the problem.

> Because Ingo's umlaut is valid UTF-8 and your's is not ;-(
> Did you possibly use gpa-0.5 to create the key?

No, I didn't. At this stage I have to confess that I use that "temporary=20
workaround until you get a GNU OS" called MS-W2K ;-)

So I used the W2K version of gpg (GnuPG) 1.0.6-2 to create my key.=20
Obviously this is via command line and I think this is where the problem=20
stems from.

How do I enter the O-Umlaut in a W2K command prompt window which is running =

gpg (GnuPG) 1.0.6-2? Currently I am holding down the Alt-key and typing=20
0246 on the numeric keypad. This is obviously not working, ie not giving=20
gpg the correct character. Is there an escape sequence I should using. If=20
so what?



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