Feature request for future versions of gnupg, windows version.

Per Tunedal pt@radvis.nu
Wed Nov 27 10:53:01 2002

I agree. But it's easier with a small USB-device. Any flash-memory device 
will do. I prefer  the ones that doesn't need any special drivers on 
WindowsXP and Windows 2000. CompactFlash-cards and a small USB CF-reader 
will work as well.

But I would like to have casual keys on disk for casual encryption and 
other keys on an external media. How to manage that?

Per Tunedal

At 14:09 2002-11-25 -0800, you wrote:
 >In *nix each user does have his own directory under /home.
 >All they need do is have rights to execute the master copy of GPG.
 >The windows people would however be out of luck unless they had their own
 >keys etc on CD then each office computer could simply be configured to
 >have GPG look to the CD for keyrings etc.  this further allows users to
 >move from one machine to another in whatever location as long as there is
 >a universal setup.
 >           o                     _______________________________
 >         o      _____            |     CWSIV_HOME1@JUNO.COM    |
 >       .][__n_n_|DD[  ====_____  | M A R K L I N   T R A I N S |
 >     >   (________|__|_[_________]_|___________________________|
 >    _/oo OOOOO oo`  ooo   ooo  'o!o!o                 o!o!o`
 >On Tue, 19 Nov 2002 14:31:03 +0100 Per Tunedal <pt@radvis.nu> writes:
 >>Hash: SHA1
 >>Hi again,
 >>I found that Gustavo Vasconcelos has sent a similar idea to
 >>"I was thinking about another
 >>change in directory structure, like placing  the Keyring files in
 >>C:\Documents and Settings\{User}\Application data\GnuPG\Keyrings, and
 >>point the keyrings at %HOMEPATH%\Application data\GnuPG\Keyrings. So
 >>every user in the machine would have its own keyring without confusing
 >>Per Tunedal
 >>I would like to use two instances of GPG simultaneously:
 >>* one for casual encryption/verifying with the keyrings on the
 >>* one for mor important uses with the keyrings on an external media.
 >>Per Tunedal
 >>  At 17:00 2002-11-08 -0800, you wrote:
 >> >Borland Pascal & C long ago had a function which allowed a program
 >> >find itself on disk and work with that information.  I dont know if
 >> >has such a function.  Running off CD would be the best of all worlds
 >> >GNUPG with a directory structure something like:
 >> >
 >> >/Keyrings
 >> >/LinuxBinarys
 >> >/LinuxFrontEnds
 >> >/Win32Binarys
 >> >/Win32FrontEnds
 >> >/OtherSharedFiles
 >> >
 >> >
 >> >
 >> >           o                     _______________________________
 >> >         o      _____            |     CWSIV_HOME1@JUNO.COM    |
 >> >       .][__n_n_|DD[  ====_____  | M A R K L I N   T R A I N S |
 >> >     >   (________|__|_[_________]_|___________________________|
 >> >    _/oo OOOOO oo`  ooo   ooo  'o!o!o                 o!o!o`
 >> >
 >> >On Tue, 29 Oct 2002 11:46:29 -1000 "Booker" <booker@lava.net>
 >> >>Hash: SHA1
 >> >>
 >> >>Is it possible to code future versions of gnupg to not require
 >> >>a =
 >> >>registry setting or environmental path for it?  I would like to
 >> >>my =
 >> >>keys on a business card cdrom or on one of them fancy usb drives
 >> >>=
 >> >>are miniature in size that it fits on your key chain?
 >> >>=20
 >> >>I currently do kept gnupg on a business card cd with my keys on it
 >> >>=
 >> >>that I can move from desk to desk in the office and bring it home
 >>as =
 >> >>well.  I like to do this because I don't have to have my keys
 >> >>scattered =
 >> >>all over the office.  Whenever I do need to add a key or make a new
 >> >>key =
 >> >>I do it at home and burn a new cd.  For now, on the machines in the
 >> >>office I just set the path in the registry or environment path to
 >> >>=
 >> >>cdrom.
 >> >>=20
 >> >>Are there insurmountable limitations to gnupg that requires it to
 >> >>=
 >> >>it's path or have it's path in the windows registry?  If all keys
 >> >>public =
 >> >>and private were kept in the same directory wouldn't that be
 >> >>sufficient? =
 >> >> I.e. program gnupg to first look in it's current directory for
 >>it's =
 >> >>required files, then look into the environment path and then
 >> >>=20
 >> >>Well it's just a suggestion, TTFN!
 >> >>=20
 >> >>Mahalo,
 >> >>Booker
 >> >>-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
 >> >>Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (MingW32)
 >> >>
 >> >>iD8DBQE9vwG0aiP2qN1MAsoRAto3AJ46YGR6ZSyT0Q6nGjA1oEbwfsZhrQCeJAcs
 >> >>ulKa1WNo5JNJig5kz4D+7Gs=3D
 >> >>=3DDsNk
 >> >>-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
 >> >>
 >> >>
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 >> >>Gnupg-users mailing list
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 >> >>http://lists.gnupg.org/mailman/listinfo/gnupg-users
 >> >>
 >> >
 >> >
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