Point of view regarding LISA 2002

Alexandre Dulaunoy adulau@foo.be
Tue Oct 1 22:43:02 2002

On Tue, 1 Oct 2002, Len Sassaman wrote:

> On Sat, 28 Sep 2002, Alexandre Dulaunoy wrote:
> > Did you know the presentation ? the speaker ?
> Lots of people on this list know the speaker. I think I'm the only one who
> knows the presentation, though there are many people who could give it
> just as well.

  Do you plan to publish the presentation afterwards ? 

> > I  don't think  that  GnuPG have  failed  in their  mission. GnuPG  is
> > usable,   there   is   more   and  more   user-interface   integration
> > with GnuPG/OpenPGP and the use is increasing quite well. (Just see the
> > message signing in mailing-list and so on...)
> You think so?
> Try this experiment: Take a laptop with PGP on it and go down to your
> local bar, coffee shop, cafe, etc, and attempt to explain what GnuPG is
> good for, how it works, and how one uses it in 5 minutes or less to 10
> random people who have never heard of PGP, and who are of "average"
> computer literacy (i.e., they know how to connect to the Internet and use
> email, but don't use Linux/Unix and have never compiled a program in their
> lives.)

  I agree  with you but this  is a real  issue for a vast  majority of
  Free  Software  project  and  technical issue  in  general.  Digital
  signature for example is also a real issue to explain clearly to the
  "average" computer user. (For  example, the FINID initiative is also
  difficult but  they are  discussions to put  this in real  and large

  The problem  is real  but maybe  for OpenPGP but  also for  the vast
  majority of concept around cryptography. 

> How many of them will walk away understanding what you told them? Of
> those, how many will become new OpenPGP users? Of those, how many will use
> OpenPGP properly in a manner which will actually secure their messages?

  Yes, that's  true but this is  not a general failure  of the OpenPGP
  initiative  but a  general failure  of the  promotion of  the basics
  around Security. 

> I'm not going to say anymore about this until after LISA. If you're
> planning on attending, please feel free to disagree with me in the Q&A
> session after my talk.

  Don't hesitate to provide  an electronic version of the presentation
  after LISA to gnupg-user. 

  Thanks a lot for the respond and your time.


			      Alexandre Dulaunoy -- http://www.foo.be/
  3B12 DCC2 82FA 2931 2F5B 709A 09E2 CD49 44E6 CBCD  ---   AD993-6BONE
"People who fight may lose.People who do not fight have already lost."
							Bertolt Brecht