E-Mail Encryption: Why Isn't Everyone Doing It?
Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder
Fri Oct 25 11:48:01 2002
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On Fri, 2002-10-25 at 00:06, Anthony E. Greene wrote:
[SSL works most of the time, because configured defaults are ok]
> The fact is that WoT does not work well in a mass market deployment
> scenario. Most people do not need the features that the WoT provides.
> Some people do need those features, but most people don't, at least not
> most of the time.
[damn, what is WoT? For me it'll always be Wheel of Time ;-]
OpenPGP works with a hierarchical trust structure equally well as with a
peer2peer Web of Trust. Perhaps a good way to improve userfriendliness
of pgp frontends would be to include and trust the keys of a few pgpcas
by default.
The installer should
- force/encourage people to generate or import a key for them
- add a few trusted pgpcas (and offer to sign their keys, so
explicitely marking them as trusted would not be necessary
- chose a good keyserver
- offer links to pgpcas' instructions on how to get certified.
(for the I-only-want-to-know-that-the-emnail-address-is-genuine case,
a web based automatical certificate is sufficient, so people could
actually use openpgp encryption within a few minutes.)
No, I won't write the code, sorry.
-- vbi
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