GnuPG server to make remote OpenPGP message

Alexandre Dulaunoy
Mon Sep 9 10:42:02 2002

Yes and no. 

Yes, this is a solution for SMTP. 

No, I  was more thinking about  something like a  gnupg application as
server.  When  you can  pass command to  it via  a secure way.   A mix
between the  "emacs-server" like  solution, an OCSP  server and  a pks

Here is an example : 
[application]-> [SPECIFIC-PROTOCOL] -> [GnuPG-server] 
		auth / ident
		(command --encrypt X) 
		(command --detach-sign X)
		(command x X)

This could be also seen as a GPGME via remote. 

I just  want to know if  the idea is fully  crazy or if  could be done
without major security issue. 

Thanks for any feedback. 


On Mon, 9 Sep 2002, Werner Koch wrote:

> So you mean something like this:

			      Alexandre Dulaunoy --
  3B12 DCC2 82FA 2931 2F5B 709A 09E2 CD49 44E6 CBCD  ---   AD993-6BONE
"People who fight may lose.People who do not fight have already lost."
							Bertolt Brecht