
David Scribner
Wed Sep 18 01:46:02 2002

--- damienffm <> wrote:  
> I want to erase the key from the keyservers. What have I to do
> to succed 
> in this, because I donīt have the right password??? At least
> the one 
> that should be isnīt accepted.

If you didn't generate a revocation certificate when you first
created the key pair, you're pretty much SOL as it would require
the keyserver operator to manually remove the key... and even
then, since most key servers sync themselves with others,
eradicating the key from all keyservers is pretty much a long

Apparently, this ability is "in the works" for some keyserver
software, but until then the best you can do is send information
to those contacts that you communicate with that the key is not
to be used any longer.

If you haven't done so already, create a revocation certificate
for your new key pair, move this onto a diskette (or print it
out) and file it away someplace safe. That way, should you find
yourself in the same situation down the road or forget your
passphrase (needed to create the certificate), you will have one
pre-generated that can be used and submitted to keyservers to
revoke the key.



David D. Scribner
IT Consulting & Services
CompTIA Linux+, Network+, A+ Certified
Ph: (817) 461-4018        eFax: (630) 214-7769
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